21 Ellerdale
Hampstead, Qc. H3X 1S6
Tel: (514)482-0119
Place of birth: Pirot, Yugoslavia
Date of birth: 1953
Presently residing in Montreal, Qc., Canada
Member of the national and international professional artist associations such
as “Le Conseil Quebecois de l’estampe”,ULUS, ULUPUDUS, IAF and RAAV.
Academic formation:
1982 Master’s degree in fine and applied arts, Belgrade University, Yugoslavia
1978 Bachelor’s degree in fine and applied arts, Belgrade University, Yugoslavia
1972 Graduated from the superior school of graphic design of Nis, Yugoslavia
Specialization :
1981-1982 “Atelier 63”, specialization in original etching given by a French
government scholarship
1981-1982 “Atelier 63”, specialization in original etching given by a French
government scholarship
1977-1980 The national institute for historical monument preservation (fresco,
oil paintings and paper works), Belgrade
Since 1978, Ljubomir Ivankovic has had several solo and group exhibitions in
Canada as well as in the USA, Argentina, Japan, France, Yugoslavia,
Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Norway, Spain…
Main Solo Exhibitions:
2014 Atrium Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2014 Centre Leonardo da Vinci, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
2013 Societe d’art et d,histoire de Beauport, Quebec, Canada
2013 Gallery Axart, Drummondville, Qebec, Canada
2013 Centre d’art de Kamouraska, Kamouraska, Quebec, Canada
2013 Centre d’exposition Repentigny, Repentigny, Quebec, Canada
2013 Maison da la Culture-Christian-Roy, L’Assomption, Qubec, Canada
2012 Gallery d'art Caisse Desjardin, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada
2012 Gallery Boreart, Granby, Quebec, Canada
2012 Centre d'action culturelle MRC Papineau, Saint-Andre-Avelin, QC, Canada
2012 Centre d'exposition, Val-d'Or, Quebec, Canada
2012 Moulen Marcoux, Maison de la cuture, Pont-Rouge, Quebec, Canada
2012 Maison de la culture de l'Ancienne-Lorette, Quebec Canada
2011 Centre d' exposition, Mont-Laurier, Canada
2011 Art Neuf, Motreal, Canada
2010 Hall des arts, Brossard, Canada
2009 La Maison de la culture, Waterloo, Canada
2009 Avenue Art Gallery, Montreal, Canada
2009 Gallery Vincent d'Indy, Boucherville, Canada
2008 Mount Stephen Club, Montreal, Canada
2008 Gallery, Magog, Canada
2008 Gallery Boréart Granby, Canada
2004 Open Studio, Hampstead, Canada
2002 Gallery Saibam, Montreal, Canada
2002 Gallery Centre de la nature, Gramby, Canada
2000 Gallery Praxis, Toronto, Canada
1999 Gallery Espace 131,Montréal, Canada
1994 Gallery Centre Saidy Bromfman, Montreal, Canada
1989 Contemporary gallery, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
1988 Gallery centre culturel, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1988 Gallery Novi hram, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
1988 Gallery Sveti-Stefan, Sveti-Stefan, Yugoslavia
1984 Contemporarary gallery, Nis, Yugoslavia
1984 Contemporarary gallery, PIrot,Yugoslavia
1982 Gallery Crouce, Paris, France
1982 Gallery Graficki kolektiv, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1978 Gallery Graficki kolektiv, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Main group exhibitions:
1978-1990 Salon d’octobre, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1978-1990 Salon du Printemps, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1978-1990 Gallery Ulus, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1980 Bienal, Bilbao, Spain
1982- 1984 Bienal, Czech Republic
1985 Bienale, Suède
1986 Bienale, Norway
1980-1984, Bienale, Varsovie, Poland
1988 Ambassade de Yougoslavie, Argentina
1992 Création d’une peinture murale, Vidéotron, Montréal, Canada
1997 Art Culture, TV Beldrade, Yugoslavia
1997 Design school, TV Belgrade, Yugoslavia
2006 1st price, National painting competition « Rêve d’automne », Canada
2005 Loto Québec award, Charlevoix
2005 3 de price, National painting competition ‘Rêve d’automne’, Canada
2004 1st honors, National painting competition ‘Rêve d’automne’, Canada
1988 Price ‘Pivo Karamapievic’, Pljevlja, Yugoslavia
1983 Price, Yugoexport, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
1982 Ministry of education and of culture award, France
1982 Serbian October’s Salon award, Yugoslavia
His paintings, etchings and drawings can be found in museum and private
collections in Canada and all over the world.
Fine arts Museum, Belgrade, Serbia
History museum, Belgrade, Serbia
Military museum, Belgrade, Serbia
Loto Quebec collection, Montreal, Canada
Yugoexport collection, Belgrade, Serbia
The cultural center Madjanpek collection, Yugoslavia
Prvi Maj collection, Pirot Serbia
Tigar Collection, Pirot Yugoslavia
From 1980 to 1990, Ljubomir Ivankovic is a painting, etching and design
professor at the graphic design school in Belgrade.
Since 1990, he works as an independent painter and etcher in Montreal and
teaches graphic art and painting.
With his works Ljubomir Ivankovic enriches Quebec’s artistic life by
participating in intercultural group creations on subjects such as the new
world and in art symposiums at Baie St-Paul (rêve d’automne at manoire
Richelieu)at Baie-Comeau and many others
École de Beaux-arts
Ljubomir Ivankovic, peintre de formation académique européenne internationalement
reconnnu démontre et enseigne des techniques de grands maîtres.
Avec une experiance en peinture de plus de 40 ans et en enseignement
post-secondaire et universitaire de plus de 30 ans, il est en mesure de donner
des cours professinels de beaux-arts pour tous les niveaux. le bus des leçon serait
de developper chez l' etudiant le sense de l' esthetique, l' aptitude à reconnaitre une
ouvre de valeur et la possibilite de s'auto-corriger, apres avoir trouvé son propre style.
Programme de l' école
Le dessin linaire:
-L' importance de la linge, les différantes qualitées de laligne,
comment mettre la forme en valeur grace aux lignes.
-Differents types de composition du dessin: horizontale, verticale, diagonale
et la regle d'or, le perspective et les proportins.
-L' equilibre, la simetrie et le rythme.
Le dessin monochrome:
(blanc, gris, noir)
-L' importance de la lumière et de l' ombre
-L, importance du gris
-Définir la forme avec la limuère et l' ombre
- Techniques: le fusain, la pierre noire, charbon, sanguin, crayon, la plume.
La peinture à la maniere des grands maîtres
-Les techniquees: l'huile, l' aquarelle, l' acrylique, les pastelles, les techniques combinées ect.
-La peinture monochrome
-La peinture en couleure (les couleurs primaire et complemntaires)
-Peinture avec les couleurs harmonique
-Peinture avec les couleurs complementaires
-Le sfumato de la Renaissance
-La lumière des grands maîtres du XVII siecle.
L' anatomie
-Le squelette
-Les muscles
-Le mouvement
Le dessin et la peinture à partire d' un modèle vivant
-L' étude linaire
-L' étude monochrome
-La peinture a partire d' un modèle vivant
-Les croquis
La théorie de la forme
-La ligne
-La lumière et l' ombre
-La composicion
-Le rytheme
-L' equilibre
L' histoire d'art
De la renaissance à l' art contemporain.
School of fine art
Ljubomir Ivankovic, painter of internationally renown academic formation from Europe,
teaches great masters' techniques.
Having painting experience of more than 40 yers and post-secondery teaching
experience of more than 30 years, he is able to give professional art lessons for all levels.
The major goal of this teaching is to develop the feeling of esthetics, the ability of recognizing
a piece of art and possibility, after finding a personal style, of correcting one's own work.
The program:
Linear drawing
-The importance of the line, the different qualites of the line, how to express form
with line.
-Different types of drawing, composition horizontal, vertical, diagonal
and the golden rule.
-Persective and proportions.
-Equilibrium, symmetry and rhythm.
Monochromatic drawing
(white, gray, black)
-The importance of light and shadow
-The importance of the gray
-Defining the form with light and shadow.
-Techiques: charcoal, sanguine, pencil and feather drawing.
Great masters' painting
-Techniques: oil, aquarel, acrylic, pastels, combined techniques...
-Monochromatic painting
-Painting in color (primery and complementary colors).
-Painting with harmonic colors.
-Painting with complementary colors.
-Sfumato from the Renaissanse.
-Light in the great masters' of the 17h sentury paintings.
-The skeleton
Painting and drawing: live model
-The linear study.
-The monochromatic study.
-Painting from a live model
The theory of the form
-the line
-Light and shadow
-The compositin
-The rhythm
Art history
From renessance to contemporary art.